Longitudinal Analysis: Modeling Within-Person Fluctuation and Change (Multivariate Applications Series)
Category: Reference, Sports & Outdoors, Science & Math
Author: Zoe Chant, Kira Peterson
Publisher: Audrey Penn, Jane Yolen
Published: 2018-04-23
Writer: Sonia Purnell
Language: Dutch, English, Chinese (Traditional)
Format: epub, pdf
Author: Zoe Chant, Kira Peterson
Publisher: Audrey Penn, Jane Yolen
Published: 2018-04-23
Writer: Sonia Purnell
Language: Dutch, English, Chinese (Traditional)
Format: epub, pdf
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A Review of Longitudinal Analysis: Modeling - A Review of Longitudinal Analysis: Modeling Within-Person Fluctuation and Change. Chun Wang Additional contact information Chun Wang: University of Minnesota. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 2017, vol. 42, issue 3, 364-368.
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Longitudinal analysis: modeling within person fluctuation and change - The core longitudinal models and their extensions are presented within a multilevel modeling framework, paying careful attention to the modeling concerns that are unique to longitudinal data. Written in a conversational style, the text provides verbal and visual interpretation of model
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A Review of Longitudinal Analysis: Modeling - Request PDF | On Nov 21, 2016, Chun Wang published A Review of Longitudinal Analysis: Modeling Within-Person Fluctuation and IntroductionModelling Driveline DynamicsBond Graph Models of Driveline ComponentsDriveline ModelsAnalysisConclusion Review
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Within-person fluctuations in wellbeing | SpringerLink - We modelled within-person fluctuation of work ability over time by means of general linear mixed models using maximum likelihood estimation. Longitudinal analysis. Modeling within-person fluctuation and change.
Persons as Contexts: Evaluating Between-Person and - Within-person processes do not happen in a vacuum, and the additive and interactive influences of more stable individual differences contained in the longi-tudinal measures need to be modeled explicitly. Otherwise, associations that reflect solely longitudinal or within-person
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